Ethical Policies Review

As professional investigators and auditors Vestinex staff regular review organisational Code of Conduct and other Ethical behavioural policies to make determinations in investigations and recommendations out of audit procedures. We are therefore adept at identifying problems and issues with these styles of policy which are designed to control the behaviours of staff and other stakeholders as well as provide a justifiable basis upon which to take disciplinary or remedial actions against staff where required.

Vestinex can independently review your ethical and behavioural policies, provide advice on potential problems from an investigation and evidential perspective and enhance the quality of those policies so that they are defensible and easily understood by staff.

In conducting these reviews our methodology has consideration for AS8001 best practice standards and we engage with the business to ensure that we critically understand the nature of your business and your definitions of ethical and acceptable behaviours.

We can also assist you to redevelop your ethical policies and to provide organisational training to all staff in those policies once developed.

Download our Code of Conduct and Ethical Policy review service sheets.